viernes, 26 de julio de 2024

How do you define a soulmate?

(Indulging my romantic side, eons ago I set out to officially answer this Q)
If you believe in destiny, as the person who is deterministically bound to be your life's passion, to share with you the journey through the good times as well as the rough ones, or borrowing from Jerry McGuire, simply someone who completes you.

In my personal opinion, a soulmate is someone around whom you gravitate; someone you care about more than yourself; someone who makes you feel special; someone whose smiles brightens you day, whose voice breathes life into you, whose presence arises the most passionate feelings in you heart; someone who just by looking at you makes you feel like the luckiest person on the planet, someone with whom you would like to spend every remaining moment of your existence; someone whose company you treasure more than anything else, whom every moment spent with will be forever impregnated in your consciousness; someone who consumes your thoughts and makes you feel chills flowing through you body just by thinking about her/him, someone who you are fascinated by, someone who you know inside out, whose most imperceptible qualities, hidden deep within the confines of her/his soul, are an open book to you. And, of course, someone who reciprocates those feelings.

Now, in my particular case, the ideal characteristics that should be encapsulated by her would be:

-First and foremost, a beautiful smile. To me a smile is a window into the soul, it manifests a girl’s true feelings and echoes her innermost secrets. A sweet, heart-warming smile enchants me, captivates me as if it were a magical spell of passion.

-Accompanying that sky-brightening smile should be the sweetness and cuteness that such an enchanting, natural facial expression reflects. When she speaks, the magical tone of her voice shall be forever impregnated in my soul and resonate through eternity in my heart. When she looks at me I would melt at the glimpse of such a fascinating stare; the privilege of being graced by her attention summoning me to eternal and incommensurable love and devotion.

-A most would have to be a good sense of humor, an ability to laugh at herself, to not care about what other people think, to enjoy the most idiotic jokes, to disregard conventionalisms, to be free, natural, true to herself. I find it that humor allows you to abstract from the reality of day to day existence and enter the realm of fantasy, of the imaginary. By laughing, stress disappears and good nature surfaces, the burden of your worries dissipates in the mysterious domains of infinity, peace and spiritual satisfaction replacing them and filling your heart with joy.

-A zest for life, an appreciation for all the beautiful things we encounter in this beautiful oasis in space we call home, an enjoyment of nature, a curiosity towards unraveling the mysteries of our existence; they all should be comprised within the spectra of qualities displayed by the person to whom I lend my heart to: my soulmate.

-Completing her idealized conceptualization would be external beauty, not necessarily in the form of a gorgeous, voluptuous blonde, but manifested through a sweet, innocent-looking girl.

And that'll be it. I'm not picky. :)

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